this is the first diaper bag that i have made. it is really a messenger bag, that lisa wanted to use as a diaper bag. she can use it later when she doesn't need it as a diaper bag. this is amy butler fabric that lisa picked too, we ordered it online at they are a great company to order from, they have super fast shipping, and excellent cuts of fabric.
it has 2 pockets with flaps on the front.
the pattern called for 1 pencil pocket on the inside, but i changed it, and put 2 regular pockets on the inside.
when i was cutting the fabric out, i tried to get all the fabric to line up, so the backside would look like one solid print.
once i finished the bag, i thought it looked so big, that she wouldn't use it. and i had plenty of fabric left, so i made a small tote, that looks more like a purse. it is the sweetest looking purse, that i thought i might keep it for myself. ;)
it has 2 hidden pockets, that i have never made before, but i love them.
i had enough striped fabric to do the handles and one pocket,
so the opposite side of the purse has a polka dot pocket.